Please sign all messages with ~~~~, even if you are not a user. I will reply on your talk page, not here. (Unless you tell me to reply here) Please use a new header for new talks (by placing == around it), and make the new talk on the bottom. For making the reply go over, use colons (:)! I can move a talk to an archive and remove your post (but I rarely will). The archives are at User talk:Linuxerist/Archives. (do not exist quite yet ;)



Welcome to the Simple English Wikibooks!

We hope you are happy editing here. Some helpful pages to start you off are Wikibooks:Community Portal and Help:Contents.

If you want to meet and talk with other members, you can visit the Simple English Wikibooks Simple talk. Just remember that you should sign your messages on Talk pages by typing "~~~~" (four tildes) at the end of your words. It is a good idea to look at the rules before you make many changes.

If you have any questions about how things work, don't hesitate to ask me on my talk page.

I hope you don't mind being welcomed on all the simple English projects by the same person. You see, there are few active users on SEWikipedia, but there are almost none on the other Simple English projects. I'm trying to change that, but it is slow going. Once Odder's new main page is used on SEWikipedia, hopefully people will realize that there is more to Simple English than the Wikipedia. Happy editing! --Cromwellt|talk 21:24, 4 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Your account will be renamed

08:12, 20 March 2015 (UTC)


04:42, 17 April 2015 (UTC)