Numbers/New Words
< Numbers
- base - an amount used for counting and making groups for writing numbers
- decimal - a small circle that separates the whole part and fraction part in a decimal number
- decimal number - a way to show a mixed fraction with the whole part to the left of a decimal and the fraction part to the right of the decimal
- decimal place - Similar to place amounts, every decimal place shows one tenth of the amount to the place to the left.
- denominator - The bottom number in a fraction, it shows if the pieces of a whole number are big or small.
- fraction - a number that shows only part of a whole amount
- mixed fraction - a fraction and a whole number together
- negative number - A number that is less than zero, it shows a lack of something.
- number line - A way of showing positive and negative numbers, it shows all the numbers as marks on a line.
- numeral - Signs such as 1, 6, or 4, they are used to show numbers.
- numerator - The top number in a fraction, it shows the number of pieces of a whole number.
- place amount - the amount a numeral shows because of its position in a number
- positive number - a number that is greater than zero
- whole number - A normal number like a person uses for counting, it can show an amount of single things. Negative numbers can be whole numbers too.